Prayers for America







Beloved Father-Mother God,

    Within the higher level of my Divine consciousness, I know I

AM One with the Divine Heart and Mind of God, and One with

every man, woman and child. 


    Within the silence of humanity's unified Heart, and on behalf of

this Oneness which contains every person on Earth, I now affirm

the following prayer with One voice, One breath, and One

consciousness of pure Divine Love:


    I AM a Beloved Child of God and one with ALL that is.


  As one who acts on behalf of all Humanity, empowered by

Divine Will and by the sacred Presence that lives within, I have the

ability to expand the Divinity within every person's Heart. I

therefore now focus the full power of my attention on the

immortal, threefold Flame of love, will, and wisdom that blazes

within each heart, and invoke the Divine Presence of every soul to

take command of this activity of Light now, in service to the One.


    Beloved Father-Mother God, come and assert your holy

authority within me and within ALL Humanity.


    Show us how to reverently, humbly, and gratefully express the

perfectly balanced activity of love, wisdom, and will in our lives. 


    Assist us as we seek to act in perfect accord with Thy Will,

trusting the manifestation of all that is needed.  


    Manifest in full reality, the 'Invocation for the Earth and Her

Nations', as I join the single Heart of  all mankind to offer this





We, the Children of Earth, humbly come to the Heart of our

Father-Mother God to invoke into the physical plane of Earth, the

most intensified activity of God's Will ever manifested in the

history of time.


    We invoke the Legions of Light serving this blessed Earth to

absorb this divine Essence into every fiber of their illuminated

Beings, and to project it into the heart, consciousness, mind and

emotions of every person associated with the governments of this

planet at every level.


    May the Cosmic Flame of God's Will blaze through each of

these souls, and clear away any destructive activity of their own

free will which might rush in to impede their conscious desire to

do God's Will.


    Help them to remain obedient to the Law of Harmony and of

Life, and to BE God in action at ALL times.


   Seal all government positions, individually and collectively in

the radiance of Thy Love and Will.


    Reveal through the Flame of Truth, the divine Purpose and

Plan for each office and each individual, and give to each person

the spiritual courage and desire to fulfill that plan perfectly.


   Let the Will of God be MANIFEST in, through and around all

the governments of the world, now and forever!


   Let the  light of God that is always victorious, illumine and lead

ALL Humanity everywhere!


    At this pivotal time in America's history, let the Will of God

also manifest within the hearts of those aspiring to government

leadership, that these hearts may fulfill the Will of the Divine

Presence within each, in service to the greatest good of all.


  Beloved Father-Mother God, I consciously ACCEPT this

MANIFESTATION NOW, even as I call it into being, and I give

thanks for what has already been given.  Blessings and Amen.  

The above two prayers were offered by the Realms of Light

and received by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles (

They are adapted by Julie Redstone (

in cooperation with the Realms of Light, with slightly different

content and a different energetic resonance.




We come before you who govern the nations of the world, to ask that

you who wield great power consider the source of this power, and that

as part of the wisdom that dwells within each human breast, you honor

and recognize the Source that has placed you where you are for the

benefit of all.


Too many times throughout history have those who stood at the helm

of the public domain taken power for themselves and not for those

whom they represented.  Indeed, many  have forgotten altogether that

they existed on behalf of the people, and that the people did not exist

on their behalf.


We pray that those who are given the privilege and responsibility of

leadership, may find within themselves the humility and goodness to

continually attune both to the will of those they

represent, and to God's Will which flows through them as it flows

through each heart that beats within a human body. 


May this innate goodness and humility characterize the leadership of all

who seek office and of all who come into office, and may the

willingness to abandon self-interest in service to the well-being of the

whole, define the essential character and quality of those who

come to represent the rest. 


We pray on behalf of all humanity that the rulership of the few for

the benefit of the few no longer plague the Earth, and that the

leadership of the many BY the many be established as the

signpost of the new time to come.


Blessed are those whose hearts have opened to the truth of the source

of their power, who understand its Divine origin, and who

vow to never take it lightly or betray it carelessly. 

Blessings and Amen.




Now, in this moment of cosmic time, may the people of America rise to

their true stature, One in God's embrace, and one with each other,


May they find the willingness within themselves to sanctify their lives

through an end to division and disagreement, and an end to separation

and indifference to the needs of the rest.  


Instead, may they know, beyond doubt, that they have come together

for a sacred and holy purpose, and that this purpose defines their

deepest goal within the collective whole of which each is a part.


No longer, may each consider their life separate from that whole, or be

willing to fight for their own prosperity at the expense of others.


Rather, may each live for the prosperity of all, and may each bless and

sanctify the Source of abundance that has guaranteed the life of all

who live within the framework of Divine ordinance.


May the blessings of sacred life come to the consciousness of ALL of

America's people, and may they dwell in that sacredness forever. 



The above two prayers are offered by Julie Redstone in

conjunction with the purposes of the Realms of Light for the

healing and transformation of world governments and for the

healing of America's consciousness.




May be freely distributed for non-profit use only

without alteration in any way.